one. looking back over the course of the year, and your blog posts, which project or projects were the most engaging for you? Where did you fully own your process as an artist? where did you get lost in the material or the making of work?
I really loved all of the projects, to be completely honest. I feel like I was able to fully own each assignment and explore and push myself as an artist for each. I think what made this year so much fun and such a success for me was that I was able to take the message of the prompt and connect it with visual themes I'm excited about. The beauty of it too, and I've never experienced this fully in an art class before, was the opportunity to persist and get through a project despite set backs. In fact, I think four out of five of my projects had major speed bumps, and I think I'm more resilient because of it. But to pick a singular project, I would choose the beacon one with the light, just because I was able to focus intimately on the minutia of the rock and the shipwreck and the clouds.
two. you have had a year of tremendous artistic growth. where do you see that you have grown the most? think about the studio habits as you answer and explain--observe, stretch and explore, craft, express, understanding the art world, reflect. which of these areas do you feel the most comfortable with? how do you see that comfort showing up in your creative practice?
I think last year I was able to develop my style really well, but this year, I able to much more fully explore my message as an artist. This year was my time to really explore my intention, and formulate the so what of my art. I was able to find that I like for my art to serve a purpose - to tell a narrative or explore an idea. But I think, but as Mr. O has pointed out, I think could push myself further in terms of my presentation, and embracing the opportunity that my medium provides.
three. which assignments were the most successful? which assignments were the most frustrating? What are one or two things that your teacher does really well? What is one important piece of advice that you would offer your teacher so that they could make this class better?
My most successful assignments, or ones I'm most proud of, are certainly my digital work, just because I could feel myself improving and growing through the process. These, being the most challenging, were also the most frustrating for me, often having to rethink the piece, redo unsaved work, or deal with a challenging interface. Mr. O is great in every way, is extremely helpful, and is willing to work with my point of view without imposing his own. I think, to be completely honest, the class is basically perfect; it is a balance between structure that some people need and creativity and fluidity that inform the creative process.