Please post a quality image documenting your final image.
You may also include any impactful process imagery.
Guiding Prompts for reflection:
1. Discuss your intentions: How did you approach the guiding theme of "repetition"? How did you come to this final image, and what does it ultimately represent to you? Link your overarching ideas and intentions to specific aesthetic and formal decisions (medium, composition, style, etc)
I hoped to use repetition in my project by having the same characters with different expressions - showing the change that an emotional expression can have on that persons appearance. The medium I used - photoshop - allowed for me to easily and accurate repeat my characters whilst changing the emotional qualities. This image for me represents the similarities of human expression for even the most dissimilar people.
2. Reflect on your feedback. What did viewers observe most in your work? Assuming that these observations represent what is most successfully communicated by your work, how successful were you in communicating your intentions to your viewer?
People mainly liked the style of painting and new medium I used, and mostly had problems with the presentation. I think people clearly saw what I was trying to express through the emotions. Thus, my intentions were successful.
What did you find most interesting about the conversation generated around your work?
The conversation around using the more non-emotive parts of people to represent emotion came up, and I thought that was really interesting, for example using the hair to portray emotion, etc.
What opportunities for further development of the artwork were discussed? How do you respond to these bits of critical analysis?
People maybe thought they should be presented together, but separated by character. In addition, for presentation, I think it would be helpful for it to be printed as well.
3. Reflect on your strengths and opportunities as an artist (as represented by your work on this project.) Which studio habits are strengths in your practice? What tendencies define your artistic practice (formal, expressive, conceptual, etc)? In what areas were you focused upon stretching and exploring in order to grow your artistic potential?
This project was really fun for me as well as challenging, as it was a new medium. My ability to conceptualize was most useful for me. For example, I had no reference whatsoever in creating these images, in both character design and emotions. This was a new thing for me. In addition, I've always wanted to pursue character and concept design and it was great to explore that.
4. Understand your art world (relative the your class). What work discussed resonated with you most? Why? What is available in that thinking, process, or aesthetic for you to bring into your artistic practice?
If we are talking about other people's work, I thought Logan's was really interesting, and I liked the graphic element to it. I could definitely use her sense of presentation in my work, as well as her ability to design something graphically that is really intriguing.