Upload images of your preliminary work.
Discuss your intentions for your final self-portrait. What technical methods will you employ?
Im using relief printing. This is because the relief printing adds a layer of simplicity and contrast to the print - something I hope to utilize.
What themes/ideas/intentions do you intend to communicate?
I sort of wanted to create a brooding but mischievous image, with my raised eyebrow, glint in my eye, and smirk. Also half my face is in darkness, which adds an air of mischief.
What artists, historic periods, or other inspirational imagery have you found to help inspire your work?
Not any besides the pictures of myself. I hope that the final piece is really a product of my imagination.
What questions, if any, remain for you as you resolve your imagery for this project?
Not many. I think I have the image figured out in terms of style, intention, and formal qualities, now I just have to put in the work to finish it!