1. In this flat, we hoped to communicate the coziness and warmth of a bakery. We also tried to show that although they were poor, they are trying to promote their business. Because of this, we tried to express a facade of happiness and warmth, while in reality there were deep unhappinesses that the baker has. My strengths do not include painting, however, so I focused more on the sketching phases and the perspective. I do feel that after this project I have improved the freedom of my painting, giving up the rigid control I expect from the pencil.
2. I personally enjoy the individual projects more than the group ones. As I said before, in art, it is important for me to be in complete control in order to accurately express myself. I had to give up control in this project a little bit - oftentimes when other people had different opinions, I had to give in a little bit and let my group-mates take control. I thought that this was a really arduous but rewarding process for me, being able to bend and collaborate with the people in my group.
3. The process for me was extremely rewarding, as it allowed me to give up a bit of control over the art and leave the success or failure to other people or the medium itself. Sometimes, when the lack of control was successful, I was able to look at the success of my peers and learn from their craft. When the change was unsuccessful, I had to talk with my classmates and find a solution, or figure out how to fix the problematic area myself. The large flat also allowed for me to loosen up my paint strokes, and focus on the larger picture, not the unnecessary details.